Website Project Plan

Here’s an overview of what to expect, from start to finish.



Consultation & Discovery


We meet to discuss your requirements so I can get an idea of what you’re looking for. We talk about what you’d like to see; what’s possible; and what might require more work.

Based on my experience I advise on what the best way forward is.


Requirements Finalization


You receive a quote with all of the required elements agreed upon:

  • Number of pages

  • Page names, content, and details

  • Colours

  • Number of images

  • Optional add-ons

  • Draft delivery date

  • Site delivery date (2 weeks after draft approval)




Build times vary depending on the complexity of the site, but you’ll be given a draft delivery date after Step 2: Build Finalization.


Draft Presentation


A version of the site that is not live yet is presented and you have the opportunity to identify up to 3 minor changes to be made before the website is finalized.


Site Delivery


Meet for a 1-hour remote session to transfer domain, transfer site ownership, and go over some quick tips if there’s time.

Then: you’re off to the races!